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HR510 - Children wheelchairs & Rehab Buggies

Robby bathing support

Safe and comfortable bathing

Bathing supports provide back relief for caregivers and put the focus on having fun while bathing. The child's body is held by the bathing support and the caregiver's hands remain free. With the ratchet joints, the angle can be changed in the leg and head regions among other things. Straps can also be used to fine-tune the sitting position. Thanks to the low centre of gravity, the Robby bathing support (for children up to 60 kg) needs comparatively little water in the bath. 

Bathing supports provide back relief for caregivers and put the focus on having fun while bathing. The child's body is held by the bathing support and the caregiver's hands remain free. With the ratchet joints, the angle can be changed in the leg and head regions among other things. Straps can also be used to fine-tune the sitting position. Thanks to the low centre of gravity, the Robby bathing support (for children up to 60 kg) needs comparatively little water in the bath. 

Benefits at a glance
Priority: hygiene

The mesh cover is not only gentle on the skin, but also removable and washable. 



Easy to use

The bathing support is easy to adjust using the ratchet joints.

Optimal positioning

The anatomical mesh upholstery can be individually adapted to the user with straps, providing an optimised sitting position.


The Robby is foldable and saves space as a result.


Product information

Product type

Product Data

Article numberMax. loadSeat depthBack heightOverall widthOverall lengthTotal weight
HR51040000-02730 kg200 – 240 mm630–720 mm360 mm1,150–1,330 (support surface) mm3.8 kg
HR51050000-02760 kg310 – 425 mm890–940 mm380 mm1,470–1,730 (support surface) mm4.3 kg
