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6Y111 - Prosthetic liners

Sealing Liner TF, conical

A liner should enclose your residual limb like a second skin. That is why we offer the Skeo Sealing silicone liner in two versions for transfemoral amputations. With the standard liner and the 3D version, your O&P professional can select the appropriate liner shape for you.

A liner should enclose your residual limb like a second skin. That is why we offer the Skeo Sealing silicone liner in two versions for transfemoral amputations. With the standard liner and the 3D version, your O&P professional can select the appropriate liner shape for you.

With the Skeo Sealing 3D liner, especially in the case of conical residual limbs, it encloses the tissue without constricting or pushing it upwards. This is particularly important for soft tissue. The robust sealing ring ensures a reliable seal in the socket and gives you a good hold in the prosthesis throughout the day. The silky outer surface without textile cover makes handling easier for you. You save time when cleaning and drying as well as when donning and doffing the prosthesis.

Product type
Mobility grade2, 3, 4
Max. body weightno weight limit
All specifications

Product information

Mobility grade2, 3, 4
Max. body weightno weight limit
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation
User groupchildren, adults, mature adults, women, men
Distal connection

Without distal connection

Product Data

Article numberCircumferenceRing hight
6Y111=250X17250 mm1,7 cm
6Y111=265X10265 mm10 cm
6Y111=265X17265 mm17 cm
6Y111=280X10280 mm1 cm
6Y111=280X17280 mm1,7 cm
6Y111=300X10300 mm10 cm
6Y111=300X17300 mm17 cm
6Y111=320X10320 mm1 cm
6Y111=320X17320 mm1,7 cm
6Y111=340X10340 mm1 cm
6Y111=340X17340 mm17 cm
6Y111=360X10360 mm1 cm
6Y111=360X17360 mm1,7 cm
6Y111=380X10380 mm10 cm
6Y111=380X17380 mm17 cm
6Y111=400X10400 mm1 cm
6Y111=400X17400 mm1,7 cm
6Y111=450X10450 mm10 cm
6Y111=450X17450 mm17 cm
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation


Wall thicknessvon ca. 6 mm auf 2,5 mm auslaufend
Textile coverwithout
ColourLight grey
Exterior coatingwith
Socket designSpecific weight-bearing socket
MatrixContinuous matrix
