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50S14-1 - Ankle-Foot orthotics

Malleo Immobil Air Walker, low

Targeted compression thanks to integrated pump

The Malleo Immobil Air Walker, low is used for conservative and postoperative treatment of the foot and ankle area. It can be used for a broad range of applications ranging from ligament, soft tissue and tendon injuries to forefoot, metatarsal and ankle fractures. Treatment after exostosis amputation for hallux valgus is also possible.

The Malleo Immobil Air Walker, low is used for conservative and postoperative treatment of the foot and ankle area. It can be used for a broad range of applications ranging from ligament, soft tissue and tendon injuries to forefoot, metatarsal and ankle fractures. Treatment after exostosis amputation for hallux valgus is also possible.

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
All specifications

Product information

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesother
Product typeAir Walker

Product Data

Article numberSizeSideHeightShoe size europe
50S14-1=SSboth sides27.0 cm31 - 35
50S14-1=MMboth sides27.0 cm36 - 42
50S14-1=LLboth sides27.5 cm43 - 45
50S14-1=XLXLboth sides27.5 cm46 - 50
