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617H19S - Lamination Technology

Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed

The proven, efficient classic material for laminating

Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed is a lamination resin for fabricating small components within the field of prosthetics and orthotics.

Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed is a lamination resin for fabricating small components within the field of prosthetics and orthotics.

It has the same mechanical properties but cures more quickly than the proven classic Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 (617H19). Small components can be laminated more quickly thanks to the shorter curing time. Ottobock hardening powders and pigment pastes can be easily mixed with Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed.

Developed especially for laminations, this resin helps attain fittings of the highest quality in combination with our proven reinforcement materials.

Scope of applicationOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
Use casesDefinitely socket production, Definitely orthosis production
All specifications

All benefits at a glance

  • Laminating resin for small components in prosthetics and orthotics

  • Requires only half the curing time compared to the 617H19

  • Same mixing ratio of hardening powder and laminating resin as 617H19 (max. 3%)

  • The same proportion of hardening powder prevents the formation of bubbles and thus brittle laminates with shorter hardening times

  • Consistent quality of the laminate as with 617H19 with less curing time

  • Same viscosity with same mechanical properties as 617H19

  • Can be combined with all common reinforcement materials used in orthopaedic technology

  • Hardeners/ color pastes can be mixed without any problems


Adding hardener powders in proportions greater than 3 % results in the formation of bubbles and a brittle lamination with all lamination resins used in the field of orthopaedic technology. Use 617H19S Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed to make small components available for further processing more quickly, without jeopardising quality.


Mixing ratio:

Resin 100 : hardener 2–3 : pigment paste 3


Product information

Scope of applicationOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
Use casesDefinitely socket production, Definitely orthosis production
Product typeAcrylic lamination resins
Order unitStück
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transradial amputation, Transtibial amputation, Transhumeral amputation

Product Data

Article numberDescriptionNet contents
617H19S=0.900Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed0.9 kg
617H19S=4.600Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed4.6 kg
617H19S=25Orthocryl lamination resin 80:20 Speed25 kg