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Ottobock y el deporte

Vida activa y deporte

A bilateral amputee races to the finish line of a track field, sporting Ottobock's Runner prosthetic feet
A bilateral amputee races to the finish line of a track field, sporting Ottobock's Runner prosthetic feet
A bilateral amputee races to the finish line of a track field, sporting Ottobock's Runner prosthetic feet

Active living and sports

Sports open up a whole new world of possibilities to people with disabilities. Some people engage in sports to become more active; others want to increase their level of fitness, and others simply enjoy moving about or having fun with other people. Or all these things. Back when Ottobock began supporting Paralympic athletes over 30 years ago, the introduction of special carbon springs radically improved athletic performances at the Paralympic Games. Over the following years, we continued to work hand in hand with role models from the world of sports in order to optimise our sports products and services. New methods and products were tested – with the aim of providing better support not only to top-level athletes but to children and recreational athletes as well. Today, those who look for them will almost always find appropriate opportunities to engage in individual sports or team sports, and suitable sports equipment as well. When it comes to choosing or using the right prosthesis or wheelchair for the respective sport, for example, a few tips can be a big help for newcomers in particular. One thing we have learned from sports – and this applies to professionals and amateurs alike – is that you can often achieve so much more tomorrow than you believe possible today.

Exercising and engaging in sports benefits our bodies and our minds. When people become active for the first time – or regain their mobility – their faces speak volumes. Individual circumstances can differ widely. So can the motives. Exercising your cardiovascular system, maintaining personal mobility, unwinding, leading an active life and overcoming challenges – these are all good reasons for people with and without disabilities to take up a sport. But where do you begin? On the following pages, we provide information and examples to help newcomers get started.

Sitting volleyball

Sitting volleyball is a dynamic game in which two teams of six play across a 1.15-metre-high net. The technique is identical to that of conventional volleyball – the only difference being that the player’s torso must be touching the ground when they make contact with the ball. Sitting volleyball is ideal for athletes with leg disabilities, as players are seated throughout the game. Players may use their arms and legs to move around, but no other devices are permitted.

A team of amputated volleyball players watch intently as their teammate reaches for the ball
Otros temas
Amputee athletes do stretches on yoga mats in an outdoor football field
Por dónde empezar

Empezar a practicar deportes con una discapacidad

Los primeros pasos suelen ser los más difíciles. Escucha a tu cuerpo y dale tiempo suficiente para adaptarse cuando empieces una nueva actividad.

Los primeros pasos suelen ser los más difíciles. Escucha a tu cuerpo y dale tiempo suficiente para adaptarse cuando empieces una nueva actividad.

Two Paralympic athletes prepare for a football game in an outdoor sports field

Cómo mantengo la motivación

Deportistas amateur y atletas paralímpicos dan consejos sobre cómo no dejarse frenar en la rutina deportiva y cómo mantener la motivación con nuevos retos.

Deportistas amateur y atletas paralímpicos dan consejos sobre cómo no dejarse frenar en la rutina deportiva y cómo mantener la motivación con nuevos retos.

Un niño con una prótesis deportiva juega al fútbol en un jardín
Actividad física para niños

Deportes para niños con discapacidad

Los niños deben integrar la actividad física en sus rutinas diarias. Los deportes son una gran manera de construir confianza, amistades y desarrollo físico y mental.

Los niños deben integrar la actividad física en sus rutinas diarias. Los deportes son una gran manera de construir confianza, amistades y desarrollo físico y mental.

Un instructor de Tai Chi enseña a los amputados diferentes poses
El antiguo arte del movimiento

Tai chi

Originalmente un arte marcial, el tai chi es un gran entrenamiento de cuerpo completo que ayuda a construir fuerza, mejora el equilibrio y promueve la relajación.

Originalmente un arte marcial, el tai chi es un gran entrenamiento de cuerpo completo que ayuda a construir fuerza, mejora el equilibrio y promueve la relajación.

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