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Two Paralympic athletes prepare for a football game in an outdoor sports field
Two Paralympic athletes prepare for a football game in an outdoor sports field
Two Paralympic athletes prepare for a football game in an outdoor sports field
Active living and sports

How can I stay motivated?

Amateur athletes and Paralympic stars share advice on how to stay motivated and avoid getting stuck in a rut.

Amateur athletes and Paralympic stars share advice on how to stay motivated and avoid getting stuck in a rut.


Eventually, every athlete will have days where training is more of a burden than a delight. But those who persevere and continue training anyway will find they regain their original level of motivation much faster. Review the videos below that reveal tricks for staying motivated from amateurs and professionals alike.

Consejos para la motivación de nuestros deportistas

Heinrich Popow

¿Cómo se motiva el dos veces medallista de oro paralímpico Heinrich Popow incluso después de dejar el deporte de élite?

Martina Caironi

Una de las mejores deportistas paralímpicas del mundo, Martina Caironi, comparte sus consejos para la motivación.

Sports products

Whether you’re a newcomer or Paralympic gold medalist – our sports products aim to help take you to the next level.