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4R11 - Adaptador


Grado de movilidad1, 2, 3, 4
Peso corporal máx.150 lbs
Altura de amputaciónAmputación transtibial, Desarticulación de rodilla, Amputación transfemoral, Desarticulación de cadera
Grupo de usuariosAdultos, Niños
ActividadesUso diario, Deportes
Resistencia a la humedadResistente al agua
MaterialTitanio, Acero fino
Todas las especificaciones
Todas las ventajas de un vistazo
Natálie, Ota, Zainab and Carlos demonstrate how the Quickchange adapter works.
Easy to use

You can easily open and close the Quickchange with one hand. The lock and arrow symbols on the adapter show you the direction in which you need to turn the locking ring.

Ferike runs at a track and field race track.
Kids - full power in the midst of it all

Everyday life, playing with friends or participating in school sports: thanks to the simple rotation mechanism of the Quickchange adapter, even children can switch from their everyday prosthesis to a sport prosthesis in seconds.

Experiencia de usuario


"I have heard and seen so much about it but it is always different when you try it yourself. What an incredible adapter! It makes your life easier as a prosthetic user. You can easily switch between prosthetic legs or take your prosthesis off faster to sit smoothly and have extra space on the airplane. Or switch trousers much faster without having to take off your socket. Simple things that have a great impact on our daily life practices. Love it."


What Ota likes most about the Quickchange adapter is that he can easily put on and take off his trousers now. That is especially useful for him when he is touring and giving concerts with his band Šlapeto. Sitting in a car and train is also much more comfortable than before as he can easily take off his prosthetic foot.


Changing from her daily to her sports prosthesis is much faster and easier for Natálie with the Quickchange. Open the Quickchange with one turn, remove the daily foot, attach the sports foot, close the Quickchange with one turn and start running right away.


Información del producto

Grado de movilidad1, 2, 3, 4
Peso corporal máx.150 lbs
Peso corporal máx. (actividad alta)125 kg
Altura de amputaciónAmputación transtibial, Desarticulación de rodilla, Amputación transfemoral, Desarticulación de cadera
Grupo de usuariosAdultos, Niños
ActividadesUso diario, Deportes
Resistencia a la humedadResistente al agua
MaterialTitanio, Acero fino

Archivo del producto

Número del artículo4R11=P-1-34R11=R-1-34R11=ST-1-34R11=ST-2-3
Altura de montaje1.73 ″2.17 ″1.61 ″1.61 ″
Peso370 lbs370 lbs330 lbs325 lbs

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Pyramid receiver/pyramid receiver

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